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Green star training


Since it’s inception nearly 10 years ago, the Green Star programme has been transforming the quality and performance of the country’s built environment, quickly becoming ‘the norm’. Qualify today as a Green Star professional and be part of the movement.


NZGBC is holding Green Star Practitioner and Accredited Professional courses in both Auckland (4-5 June) and Christchurch (14-15 July).


The Green Star Practitioner pathway is designed for industry professionals who are not intending to make Green Star project submissions but who wish to demonstrate their knowledge of green building practice, and be able to work successfully on a Green Star project. This course focuses on teaching a good working knowledge of the categories and credits within the Green Star suite of tools.


The Green Star Accredited Professional pathway is designed for industry professionals who are intending to act as the core member of a project team responsible for collating and managing Green Star project submissions. The course focuses on teaching the skills necessary to generate a high quality Green Star project submission. It provides an in-depth knowledge of the Green Star suite of rating tools and a comprehensive understanding of the details and processes required for a successful Green Star submission.


For more information regarding these and other NZGBC training courses, visit the website.

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