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<em>The Architect as Worker</em> by Peggy Deamer.

The Architect as Worker by Peggy Deamer.

Professor Peggy Deamer is a visiting scholar from Yale School of Architecture. Her book titled The Architect as Worker confronts the nature of contemporary architectural work and addresses a void at the heart of architectural discourse and thinking. The book launch will take place at the Faculty of Architecture & Design, Victoria University of Wellington, on Tuesday 22 March at 5.30pm.

The book is a call-to-arms, and its ultimate goal is to change the practice of architecture. It will strike a chord with architects, who will recognise the struggle of their profession; with students trying to understand the connections between work, value, and creative pleasure; and with academics and cultural theorists seeking to understand what grounds the discipline.

Peggy will give a short talk about The Architect as Worker at the launch, and copies will be available to purchase. Drinks and nibbles will also be provided.

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