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FFWD016: Jos de Krieger


The University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning’s annual guest lecture series, Fast Forward, aims to foster debate, discussion and development within the disciplines of architecture, urban planning and urban design. There will be six events taking place from July to October 2016.

Wednesday 27 July: 
Jos de Krieger of Superuse Studios, Rotterdam
Superuse Studios - Turning Available Flows and Resources into Urban Ecosystem

Conference Centre Lecture Theatre, Building 423, 22 Symonds Street, 6.30pm

Since 2006, Jos de Krieger has been working in the field of architecture, especially innovative architecture and design made from leftover and waste materials. After his graduation at TU Delft he joined Superuse Studios (formerly 2012Architecten) to push the boundaries of architecture beyond traditional building methods into cyclical processes. 

All lectures start at 6.30pm, are free and open to the public.

To register and view recordings visit:

The series is recognised by the New Zealand Institute of Architects as an accredited professional development activity, with each lecture attended earning 10 CPD points.

Fast Forward 2016 is supported by GIB and sponsored by the NZIA, The Warren Trust, Te Pūtahi and The University of Auckland Society.

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