Event: Building for Future

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The Te Pūtahi Building for Future event comprises an expo and presentation series at Tūranga, Christchurch Central Library, on 29 June 2021 from 5pm.

The Te Pūtahi Building for Future event comprises an expo and presentation series at Tūranga, Christchurch Central Library, on 29 June 2021 from 5pm. Image: Adam Mørk

Join Te Pūtahi Centre for Architecture and City Making in this conversation about how we can create homes and buildings that are better for people and planet on Tuesday 29 June, TSB Space, Level 1, Tūranga from 6-7.30pm, expo from 5pm.

From cold, damp homes and stuffy office spaces to big running costs and large carbon footprints, there is a lot we can do to improve the spaces in which we live and work. After all, buildings that are healthy, efficient and sustainable are better for our budgets, our wellbeing and the environment.

But where do we start? How do we make homes and buildings that are suitable to our changing climate? How do we reduce the amount of carbon built into our buildings or make them more sustainable to run? How do we retrofit existing ones?

Join Te Pūtahi Centre for Architecture and City Making and speakers, including Elrond Burrell (Principal Advisor, Architecture & Design, Building System Performance, MBIE), Katie Symons (Principal Advisor, Engineering, Building System Performance, MBIE), Paul Finch (Project Manager, certified PassiveHaus tradesperson) and more, for Building for the Future.

5–5.45pm: Expo at Tūranga. Come and have a cup of tea and a chat. Get information and advice from the government’s Building for Climate Change programme, It’s Time Canterbury, CCC, and local community groups.

6-7.30pm: Presentations in the TSB Space, Tūranga Level 1

This is a free community event, but bookings are required for the presentationsBook here.

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