Harbour bridge pathway designs unveiled

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Harbour bridge pathway designs unveiled.

Harbour bridge pathway designs unveiled. Image: David Paine

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Harbour bridge pathway designs unveiled.

Harbour bridge pathway designs unveiled. Image: David Paine

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Aucklanders are being asked what they think of the concept designs for a cycle and pedestrian pathway on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

Mayor Len Brown, MP Nikki Kaye and Hopper Developments CEO Leigh Hopper unveiled the concept designs for the proposed pathway at Auckland’s new Wynyard Quarter today.

Copeland Associates Architects have created a short movie of what the Harbour Bridge could look like with a four metre wide walkway shared by both pedestrians and cyclists added on to it.

The pathway would be positioned under the city-bound clip-on. Users would have views across to the city, North Shore, harbour and Hauraki Gulf.

Architect Barry Copeland said many stakeholders needed be considered when drawing up Copeland Associates’ design including pathway users, New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), engineers and the promoters.

“Then there is the challenge of how you put the whole thing together at the same time ensuring every piece is marine treated to withstand the harsh environment in which the bridge exists,’ Mr Copeland said.

NZTA has said it is unable to fund a pathway, with preliminary costings of between $23 million and $31 million, but a toll for usage has been suggested.

Aucklanders can have their say about the AHB Pathway Project design at www.getacross.org.nz from 3pm Sunday 21 August.

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