Interior Awards 2020: Meet Erini Compton

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Erini joins the judging panel for the 2020 Interior Awards and says, "Celebrating and creating a specific focus on interiors within New Zealand is hugely important for our industry."

Erini joins the judging panel for the 2020 Interior Awards and says, “Celebrating and creating a specific focus on interiors within New Zealand is hugely important for our industry.” Image: Toaki Okano

Erini Compton is an interior designer in Auckland. She is passionate about creating inspiring environments through design, and here she tells us why she is excited to be a part of the 2020 Interior Awards jury.

Why do you think this type of awards programme is needed or is useful for the local industry?

Erini Compton (EC): Celebrating and creating a specific focus on interiors within New Zealand is hugely important for our industry. Whilst architecture has a long established legacy within our country, the interiors sector is still in its infancy. The level of work within the interiors in New Zealand in the last decade has improved dramatically – this momentum needs to be sustained. The Interior Awards allow the high quality of work that is being achieved to be recognised and to inspire others.

What has been your favourite drink or dish recently?

EC: This past winter I stumbled across a rich chocolate, brandy and coffee torte which I have made multiple times since, resulting in acquiring additional friends and happy colleagues. Having two young kiddies, it is a pleasant change to make something for grown-ups only!

See the recent redesign of the Auckland Airport Holiday Inn interiors that Erini and the Designworks team completed here.

Entries for the 2020 Interior Awards open on 4 February. Click here to meet the rest of the 2020 Interior Awards jury.

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