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NMIT Arts and Media building, Nelson.

NMIT Arts and Media building, Nelson.

The Green Room series is a chance to exchange thinking and business cards with New Zealand’s leading industry experts. The seminar will discuss the following topics:

New Zealand Defence Force - Estate Sustainability Programme
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has been implementing sustainability initiatives into the build and management of its built environment for a number of years. LT COL Warren Parke, National Facilities Manager, will give an overview of their initiatives and energy, water and waste minimisation outcomes.

Sustainable Timber Design for Multi-Level Buildings
The NMIT Arts and Media building is the first in a new generation of multi-storey timber buildings. Aurecon’s Technical Director, John Finnegan, will discuss the timber structural systems that demonstrate the opportunity to use timber in multi storey construction with a particular focus on the NMIT building, which was a winner at prestigious Institution of Structural Engineers UK’s Structural Awards 2011.

Homestar Experiences in the Wellington Region
Homestar was launched to the public in October 2011, aiming to improve the one million poor performing homes in New Zealand by providing an independent assessment and opportunities for improvement. Over the past six months the Healthy Home Group has carried out the largest Homecoach initiative assessing 100 homes in the Wellington region on behalf of the Wellington City Council. Jonathan Parker, Energy Efficiency Consultant at Healthy Home Group will talk through some case studies and examples of how this service is helping many across the region.

The NZGBC Year Ahead
From communities, to performance, to housing discuss the tools, activities and opportunities upcoming for members in 2012.

Cost: $65 for NZGBC members. $85 for non-members.

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